
In the context of the provision of our professional services, we may proceed with the collection and processing of personal data of natural persons, in accordance with the applicable Greek legislation, as well as with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons against the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR" or "GDPR").

This Policy Privacy Policy aims to clarify the personal data processing practices we follow, explaining what kind of personal data or other personal information we may collect during your use of our website and services, how and why we collect the due to information, why we use your personal information, when and to whom to share and disclose information about you, and how you can manage information about you and exercise your rights as provided by the GDPR.

This privacy notice explains what information we collect from you when you visit our website or use our services. It is multi-layered so you can easily find out why we process your personal information and what we do with it. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Notice carefully.

Processing Manager - Contact Information

Our company "KANARIS ABRAAM GERARDOS" is based in NIKEA, ANO TZOUMAGIAS 32 AND THIVON 215 P.K. 18454, is legally represented by AVRAAM KANARIS, who is responsible for the processing of the personal information we collect from you.

For general information you can contact us at the email address [](mailto:info or by sending a postal letter to the above address.

Where do we store the information you have given us?

The data we collect from you is stored within the European Economic Area.

Who has access to your data?

Only those responsible for each individual department of our company have access to your personal data on a case-by-case basis . Your personal data will be used exclusively for the purpose stated each time and the information will not be disclosed or sold to third parties for other, unrelated purposes.

For some processing we collaborate with third-party companies, to which we transmit some of the your data or they have access to your data through our website. This is done only to provide you with our services. You will find who has access to your personal data on a case-by-case basis and for certain processing, as detailed below.

What information do we collect from you?

In our company we learn about you, either through our website or through the activities we organize. It is very important for us to know your interests and concerns as it allows us to create and deliver the best services for you.

There are various ways in which you can share data with us.

In in most cases you provide us with the data directly through the various forms, which you send to us or receive mainly through our website (for example when you contact us or when you participate in competitions).

In other cases, we collect the information (for example when we use cookies to facilitate your navigation and to understand how you use our website).

Below you will find in detail the activities that include the processing of your data, their purposes and their description.

Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you provide to us is true and accurate. Otherwise, the user will be responsible for the inaccuracy or untruthfulness of said data, as well as for the damages that may be caused. Our company reserves the right to cancel relations with said user for the above reasons.

Website Navigation

When entering our website are automatically sent from the terminal browser you are using to its forwarder of our website and without your own action the following:

  • the IP address of the device with internet access that submitted the connection request to our website,
  • the date and time of access,
  • the name and web address (URL) of the requested file,
  • the web page from which the access was made (referrer-URL),
  • the browser you are using, the operating system of your computer that can access the internet , as well as the name of the access provider (access provider) and
  • if you have consented to the so-called geolocation of your browser or your operating system or other settings of your terminal, these are also recorded functions.

All of the above are temporarily stored in a log file.

Purpose and Legal Basis of Processing

The purpose of all of the above is to guarantee proper connection establishment, guarantee comfortable use of our website and the evaluation of the security and stability of the system.

The legal basis for processing is Article 6 para. 1 para. f of the GDPR, which allows us to process data, when this is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests.

How long we keep the information you give us

The data is temporarily stored to process the session and then deleted automatically. As soon as you stop using our website, the geolocation data is deleted.

Who are the recipients of the data

To manage our website and create and manage Google Analytics, Google Adwords and in general the provision of online advertising consulting services we cooperate with the company Agile Vendors IKE. In the case of an anonymous user (guest user), the cookies are deleted when the browser is closed.

For more information you can visit the website of Agile Vendors IKE here.

Participation in Competitions

Purpose and lawful basis of processing

Through our website, our newsletter or through social media you may participate in competitions that we organize from time to time.

Legal basis for processing is your consent, based on article 6 par. 1 per a of the GDPR

What information do we need and why?

For your participation, we only need your name, your email and, if applicable, your phone number, in order to contact you.

If you participate through the account you on social media we also process your account details that are publicly known on those media.

How long do we keep the information you give us

One month after the end of the competition and the announcement of the winners, your personal information is deleted, unless you have chosen to subscribe to another of our services (indicatively, sending a newsletter).

Who are the recipients of the data

The transmission of information that you have given us in the context of conducting the competition is only carried out if this is required for the processing of it (for example, the conduct of the competition is carried out by the company offering the prize, or the delivery of the prize is carried out through a partner courier company). The relevant information will be indicated each time in the conditions of the competition.

Registration in our electronic newsletter (e-newsletter)

Purpose and legal basis of processing

Purpose of collection data is to provide you with the relevant service, in order to inform you about news related to our company and its object, competitions, as well as general news of our field of activity. With the data we collect, we create user profiles sorted by email address, so that the advertising offer in the form of a newsletter can be better adapted to your personal interests.

The legal basis for processing is your consent based on Article 6 para. 1 about GDPR.

What information do we need?

Your email address.

Who has access to your data?

We work together to send emails with the company Agile Vendors IKE, which provides us with the MailChimp service.

With your consent to receive an electronic newsletter, your data is sent to the above company Agile Vendors IKE, which offers us the use of the MailChimp platform . Through this platform we analyze your own usage behavior on our website as well as in our newsletters. What this means in practice is that we are informed and collect information about whether you have received the newsletters, whether you have opened them, as well as information about your browsing, such as your geographic location, IP address, device and the connection you used during your visit and browsing software. In addition, we may collect and aggregate information linked to third parties, such as demographic and browsing data.

To ensure that you did not make an error when entering your email address, we have established a double-opt- In: After entering your email address in the prescribed field, we send you a confirmation link. Only if you choose that confirmation link will your email address be sent to our newsletter partner Agile Vendors IKE.

How long do we keep the information you have given us?

Your information for sending newsletters, as well as the data we collect from emails and statistics will be kept for as long as you have given consent to receive newsletters. If you do not open the newsletters for a period of one year we may consider your account inactive and notify you of your imminent deletion from the newsletter acceptance lists.

You may withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter per at any time with effect for the future if you unsubscribe from the newsletter through our website. You will find the link to the unsubscribe page at the end of each newsletter.

Processing of data for advertising purposes

Google Analytics

When you visit the website, we use third party service, Google Analytics, to collect log files and details about your browsing on our site.

The information sent is:

  • the IP address of the Internet-enabled device that made the request,
  • the date and time of access,
  • the name and URL of the requested file,
  • the web page/application, from which the access was made (referrer-URL),
  • the browser you are using, the operating system of your internet-enabled computer, as well as the name of the access provider to our website's forwarder and are stored in a log file.
  • the operating system of your mobile device, if you are visiting the website via a mobile device
  • the type of mobile device and its settings
  • the serial numbers corresponding to your device and its parts
  • the redirecting website (the website that brought you to ours)
  • actions related to how you use the website us, such as sections you visit on it

Our Website may collect information about the exact location of your mobile device using geolocation and technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System), Wi-Fi (Wireless Local Area Network ), Bluetooth or cell tower proximity. Most mobile devices and browsers provide you with the ability to revoke the permission you have given us to collect such information using your device or browser settings. If you have questions about how you can prevent the collection of information about your precise location, we recommend that you contact your mobile device support provider, your device manufacturer, or your software or browser provider. All the above information is processed in a non-identifiable way (anonymized).

The data is stored for a period of 50 months for marketing and statistical purposes and is then deleted automatically. As soon as you stop using our website, the geolocation data is deleted.


You can read more about which cookies we use here .

You can prevent the installation of cookies that record the above information regarding navigation on our website through the corresponding setting of your browser program. However, in this case it may not be possible to use all the functions of our website. You can also prevent the analysis of the data generated by cookies and related to the use of this website (including the IP address) as well as the processing of said data by Google if you download and install a specific browser extension. More information about data protection in relation to Google Analytics can be found on Google's page here.

### Purpose and legal basis of processing

The purpose of collecting your personal data is to analyze usage behavior in the context of our online presence, as well as in the newsletters we send you. The evaluation of usage behavior includes in particular the areas of the website you visit and which links you activate there.

The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest based on Article 6 para. 1 lit. f of the GDPR. As long as you have provided your relevant consent (e.g. to receive electronic newsletters) the legal basis for processing is your consent based on Article 6 para. 1 para. a GDPR. The processing of the data of existing customers for advertising purposes of our company is perceived as a legitimate interest of our company.

What information do we collect?

Every time you visit our website, we are automatically sent your online address and the last time you logged in.

Why do we need this information?

With the information we collect, we create personalized user profiles sorted by person and/or email address, in order for the advertising offer of of our company in the form of a newsletter or advertising messages on the website to better adapt to your personal interests and to improve our online offers.

Right to object

You can exercise the right to object to data processing for the stated purposes at any time and without any cost and with effect for the future, by contacting us at electronic address

Your data is deleted by the respective e-mail distributors if you withdraw your consent to individual advertising media or object to certain advertising media. Also, if you assert a right to object, your email address will be blocked from further processing of advertising data within a reasonable period of time.

Who are the recipients of the data?

Links to other websites

You may find on our website links to and from the websites of our partners, advertisers and other third parties, which are not covered by this privacy notice. We encourage you to first read the privacy policy - labeling of personal data on the websites you visit, before entering any personal data on them.

Recipients of the data, following a legal obligation

Third parties (such as banks, AADE) in order to process a request made on our website for the use of a service or in order to process a payment.

Courts and prosecutors in the event of claims or criminal proceedings.

Contact us

Purpose and lawful basis of processing

Whenever you contact us with general questions about our company or our products-services, we keep the information you give us in order to respond to your requests.

The legal basis for processing is Article 6 para. 1 para. f of the GDPR, i.e. the legitimate interest of our company.

What information do we need?

We need information about you, as long as to be able to contact you, specifically your name, phone number and email, as well as the content of letters or emails you have sent us.

Why do we need this information?

We use your personal information to respond and to keep a record of our communication with you.

How long do we keep the information you give us?

The information about you is deleted six months after your last communication with us.

Your rights

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data and ensuring that you can exercise your rights. You can exercise your rights free of charge by sending us an email to, simply telling us the reason for your request and the right you want to exercise.

In the event that we deem it necessary to confirm your identity, we may request a copy of a document proving your identity.

In particular, regardless of the purpose or legal basis on which we process the data you have the following rights:

You have the right to update. This means that you have the right to be informed in a clear, transparent and understandable manner about how we use your personal data and about your rights.

You have the right to access your personal data. This means that you have the right to be informed by us if we are processing your data. If we process your data, you can ask to be informed about the purpose of the processing, the type of your data we keep, to whom we give it, how long we store it, whether automated decision-making takes place, but also about your other rights, such as the right correction, deletion of data, restriction of processing and filing a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority.

You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data. If you find that there is an error in your data you can submit a request to us to correct it (eg correct a name or update a change of address). However, by actively providing your personal data to us in any way, you warrant that it is true and accurate and agree to notify us of any change or modification to it.The sole responsibility for any losses or damages caused to our website or to the person responsible for the website or to any third party, due to filling in incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration forms, is borne by the user.

Please remember that as a general rule you should only provide your own personal data, and not third party data, except to the extent permitted under this Privacy Notice.

You have a right to erasure/right to oblivion. You can ask us to delete your data if it is no longer necessary for the aforementioned processing purposes.

However, your right may not be able to be satisfied if:

  • There is a pending dispute or legal conflict with our company.
  • The purchase you have made has not yet been shipped.
  • You owe money to our company.
  • If you have abused our services (such as repeated order cancellations) within the last two years
  • If you have made a purchase from us we are obliged to keep the tax data for twelve (12) years.

You have the right to transfer your data. You can ask us to receive the data you have provided in readable form or ask us to pass it on to another controller.

You have the right to restrict processing. You can ask us to restrict the processing of your data pending consideration of your objections to the processing.

You have the right to object to the processing of your data. You can object to the processing of your data or withdraw your consent and we will stop processing your data, unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that override your right.

Furthermore, you have the right to object to the processing. of your data for advertising purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time:

Either by following the relevant settings in the emails sent to you (unsubscribe)

Either by disabling cookies, changing your browser settings. For more information you can visit our Cookies Policy here.

Or by contacting us directly at the email address

You have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making . You have the right to object when a decision concerning you is based solely on automated processing and significantly affects you or would have legal consequences for you.

When do we respond to your personal data requests?

We respond to your requests free of charge, without delay, and in any case within (1) one month of receiving your request. However, if your request is complex or there are a large number of your requests, we will inform you within the month, if we need to get an extension of another (2) two months, within which we will respond.

If your requests are obvious unfounded or excessive especially due to their repetitive nature, our company may impose a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or performing the requested action, or refuse to proceed with the request.

Right to complain to the supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data violates the applicable national and regulatory framework law for the protection of personal data. The competent supervisory authority in Greece is the Personal Data Protection Authority (postal address: Kifisias 1-3, Athens /, tel. 2106475600).

How will you be informed of any changes to this Privacy Notice ;

We will update this Privacy Notice whenever deemed necessary. If there are significant changes to our Privacy Notice or the way we use your personal data, we will post them prominently on our website. We encourage you to regularly read this Privacy Notice in order to know how your data is protected.

If you wish to contact us about any issue related to the processing of your Data and the exercise of your rights, you can contact us at 210 4923334 or to the email address

+30 210 492